Over the past five decades, our firm has gained considerable knowledge and experience on various types of projects ranging from $1 million to more than $10 billion, from their conceptual stage to their final construction stage.
We have played a key role in over 1,000 major projects in Canada, the United States and overseas. Our firm has been influential in the successful completion of aluminum smelters, pipelines, petrochemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper, civil engineering, airports, hydroelectric, tunnels, institutional, technological, tourism, commercial and residential construction projects.
As independent consultants, we bring the best value to serve our Client’s needs. Hence, we are able to provide completely independent and objective services in the best interest of our customers. We have played a crucial role in working with Owners to define probable project costs at the conceptual stage in order to meet our Client’s business needs for early, credible cost estimates, before the detailed scope is available.
In addition, the firm provides innovative contracting strategies leading to reduced overall cost and the ability to schedule objectives.